Basic Python For ML December 12 ,2024


Data analysis is the backbone of machine learning and data-driven decision-making. For beginners, working with small datasets is an excellent way to understand how to clean, manipulate, and extract insights from data. In this blog, we'll analyze a small dataset, such as the Titanic dataset or a simple sales dataset, using Python. This will help you strengthen your foundational skills in data analysis.

What You’ll Learn

  1. Loading datasets and exploring their structure.
  2. Cleaning and preparing data for analysis.
  3. Extracting meaningful insights through data analysis.
  4. Practical Python techniques for real-world data.

Step 1: Setting Up the Environment


Ensure you have Python and the following libraries installed:

  • Pandas: For data manipulation.
  • NumPy: For numerical computations.
  • Matplotlib: For basic plotting.
  • Seaborn: For advanced visualizations.

To install them, run:

pip install pandas numpy matplotlib seaborn


We'll use the Titanic dataset, a classic small dataset available on Kaggle. Alternatively, you can use a simple sales dataset (e.g., CSV with columns like Date, Region, and Sales).

Step 2: Loading and Exploring the Data

Loading the Dataset

Using Pandas, load the dataset into a DataFrame:

import pandas as pd

# Load Titanic dataset
data = pd.read_csv('titanic.csv')  # Replace with 'sales_data.csv' if using sales data
print(data.head())  # View first five rows

Basic Exploration

Perform initial exploration to understand the data structure:

  • Shape of the data:
print(f"Dataset contains {data.shape[0]} rows and {data.shape[1]} columns.")
  • Column data types and null values:
print(  # Provides column types and null counts
  • Statistical Summary:
print(data.describe())  # Summary of numerical columns

Step 3: Cleaning the Data

Handling Missing Values

Missing data can affect analysis. Identify and handle them appropriately:

  1. Identify missing values:
  1. Drop columns with too many nulls:
data.drop(columns=['Cabin'], inplace=True)  # Example: Dropping Cabin column
  1. Fill missing values:
data['Age'].fillna(data['Age'].mean(), inplace=True)  # Filling Age with mean
data['Embarked'].fillna(data['Embarked'].mode()[0], inplace=True)  # Filling categorical column

Encoding Categorical Variables

Convert non-numerical columns into numerical formats:

data = pd.get_dummies(data, columns=['Sex', 'Embarked'], drop_first=True)

Step 4: Analyzing the Data

Understanding Key Metrics

  1. Survival rate across passenger classes:
survival_by_class = data.groupby('Pclass')['Survived'].mean()
print("Survival rates by passenger class:")
  1. Survival rate based on gender:
survival_by_gender = data.groupby('Sex_male')['Survived'].mean()
print("Survival rates by gender:")
  1. Age distribution of survivors:
survivor_age = data[data['Survived'] == 1]['Age']
print("Average age of survivors:", survivor_age.mean())
  1. Correlation analysis:
    Understand relationships between variables:
correlation_matrix = data.corr()

Step 5: Advanced Analysis

Aggregating Data

Analyze survival rate based on multiple factors, e.g., gender and class:

multi_group = data.groupby(['Sex_male', 'Pclass'])['Survived'].mean()

Custom Metrics

Create custom metrics, such as survival probability adjusted for fare:

data['Fare_per_person'] = data['Fare'] / (data['Parch'] + data['SibSp'] + 1)
print(data[['Fare', 'Fare_per_person']].head())

Key Insights from the Titanic Dataset

  1. Gender Impact: Females had a much higher survival rate than males.
  2. Class Impact: Passengers in higher classes (1st and 2nd) had significantly better survival rates.
  3. Age Factor: Younger passengers had slightly better survival chances.

Step 6: Conclusion and Takeaways


Analyzing datasets is a fundamental skill in machine learning and data science. This blog demonstrated how to:

  • Load and explore data using Pandas.
  • Clean data effectively by handling missing values and encoding.
  • Analyze data to uncover insights using Python.


  • Exploration is Key: Always start with a thorough understanding of your dataset.
  • Clean Data for Accuracy: Missing values and categorical data must be addressed carefully.
  • Insights Drive Action: Understanding the data’s story is crucial for making informed decisions.

Next Steps

  • Try analyzing other datasets, such as sales or weather data.
  • Explore advanced topics like feature engineering and model building.
  • Combine analysis with visualizations (as we'll cover in the next blog).

By practicing these skills, you’ll lay a strong foundation for your journey in machine learning and data analysis.


Next Topic : 2nd Practice projects for Python basics



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